Sunday, 29 March 2009


If you're a quiz night fan, you might want to know that Tartiflette is a French dish from the Savoie region originated in the valley of Aravis, home of Reblochon cheese. Surprisingly, it's not a traditional dish, and was, in fact, invented and launched only in the 1980s by the Reblochon trade union in an attempt to increase sales of the cheese.

Now, as for the recipe, it's pretty simple:

  • cut some potatoes in squares and cook them with some onions
  • once cooked, put the potatoes in a dish, add some cream (optional), bacon (optional as well - and cooked) and cover with Reblochon (cut in two or three slices depending on its thickness).
  • bake in the oven until the Reblochon is melted and crispy.

Bon appetit!

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